
Harnessing the power of the planet.
From the dawn of time, humans have been obsessed with harnessing the power of the planet. This renewables print showcases different examples of deities and gods that utilise the natural elements. Switching to renewable energy is one of the most sustainable changes we can do right now.
We’re using too much energy and our planet is paying the true cost of the lifestyles we’ve become accustomed to.
According to the IEA, overall renewable energy use increased by 3% in 2020, making 29% of the world’s energy renewable in 2021. We have the technology there to run on 100% renewable sources of energy, it just needs the investment and world leaders to commit to this together.
The IPCC reported in 2022 that it’s ‘now or never’ if the world is to stave off climate disaster.
To achieve safer temperatures and minimise the impact of climate change, the world must reduce annual CO2 emissions by about 50% by 2030, and reach net zero by 2050. This will need drastic cuts in fossil fuel use. The IPCC says the case is unanswerable for widespread electrification – especially crucial for enabling the decarbonisation of road transport, industry, mining and manufacturing – powered by renewable sources.
So let’s let these deities and gods inspire us and embrace the power of the elements that are available to us…
Neptune the Roman god of freshwater. He also controls the winds and storms. Neptune is symbolised by horses, dolphins and the iconic trident.
Isis the Egyptian goddess of the sea. Isis was most often represented as a beautiful woman wearing a sheath dress and either the hieroglyphic sign of the throne or a solar disk and cow’s horns on her head. Occasionally she was represented as a scorpion, a bird or a cow.
Tlaloc is the Aztec rain god. He is also known as the god of rain and lightning and patron of agriculture. Usually portrayed with goggle eyes and fangs. Tlaloc is depicted scattering seeds; he wore a crown of heron feathers and carried thunder-rattles.
Mazu 媽祖 the Chinese goddess of the sea. Mazu is often depicted wearing bright red robes laced with shining jewels that allows her to be more easily seen by travellers at sea. Mazu is frequently depicted holding a lantern, or ceremonial tablet that symbolises her spiritual knowledge and wearing an imperial headdress that represents her godly nature.
Boreas is the Roman god of the North wind. The Anemoi were the four wind gods in Greek mythology: Boreas (North Wind), Notus (South Wind), Zephyrus (West Wind) and Eurus (East Wind). Boreas was often described as a bearded man with wings, who held a conch shell and had a billowing cloak.
Raijin 雷神, Japanese god of thunder, lightning, and storms. Often appearing alongside his brother, Fujin, the god of the wind, Raijin brings vital rains and leaves a wake of chaos and destruction. He is often depicted with a traditional Buddhist halo, a common motif around figures that are holy or divine. This halo surrounds all of Raijin, rather than just his head. He also appears with a drum, with which he creates thunder.
Medeina, Lithuanian ruler of forests, trees and animals. Her sacred animal is a hare. She is depicted as a young woman and shown to be riding a bear. Medeina can also be shown as a she-wolf with an escort of wolves.
Kamadhenu is the Hindu mother of all cows, the earth and the goddess of plenty. The cow is also worshipped as the mother of the earth as her milk nourishes human life. Her iconography describes her as a cow with various deities inside her. Each part of Kamadhenu’s body carries symbolic importance. For example, her four legs represent the four Vedas, the horns symbolise the gods, and the humps stand for the Himalayas.
Frigg, the Viking goddess of the sky. She is also associated with wisdom. Frigg sought out almost everything in creation, from fire and water to animals, trees and even diseases. Frigg is depicted as tall. She also works at spinning the clouds, because she is responsible for the fertility of crops through sunshine or rain.
Amaterasu Ōmikami, the Japanese sun goddess. An embodiment of the rising sun and Japan itself, she is the ruler of the universe. She not only serves as the literal rising sun that illuminates all things, but also provides nourishment to all living creatures and marks the orderly movement of day into night. The sun represents order and purity, two of Shinto’s most important concepts.
Ahura Mazda is the Persian king of gods. He first created the sky, then water, earth, vegetation, animals, human beings, and fire. Ahura Mazda brought the body of the androgynous bull to the moon where it was purified and, from its purified seed, came all other animals.
Chang'e 嫦娥 Chinese goddess of the moon. She carries the herb of immortality and is gracefully portrayed with flowing robes. She is sometimes shown holding an elegant white rabbit.
By purchasing this print you are supporting charity organisations that advocate for renewable energy and enforcing a switch - thank you!
Make the switch to renewable energy. We have unlimited sun, wind, geothermal, biomass and hydro to utilise. We recommend Good Energy, Bulb or Octopus but double check that the provider is 100% renewable and not just offsetting the fossil fuel they use. You can also install solar panels on your roof or a wind turbine to generate energy for your home.
Talk to your friends, family and work to make the switch too - we need a domino effect and if one person makes this easy change and influences their network too, we have a good chance to create fast change. Use your voice to demand for legislation change too. Email your MP and write to businesses you care about, they will take these issues seriously before it’s too late.
Cut down on the amount of energy you use. If the demand is less, our impacts are less and the more achievable it will be to get to net zero. Use less energy by lowering your heating and cooling, switching to LED light bulbs and energy-efficient electric appliances, washing your laundry with cold water or hanging things to dry instead of using a dryer.
Walk and cycle where you can, or use public transport - only fly when it is really necessary.
Without meaning to, your money could be investing in fossil fuels (a lot of the major banks are) so put your money in a bank that invests in the future too. Triodos, Monzo and Starling are a good place to start.